Quotations, Proverbs & Sayings

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It is sometimes difficult to be inspired when trying to write a persuasive essay, book report or thoughtful research paper. Often of times, it is hard to find words that best describe your ideas. Paper-Research now provides a database of over 150,000 quotations and proverbs from the famous inventors, philosophers, sportsmen, artists, celebrities, business people, and authors that are aimed to enrich and strengthen your essay, term paper, book report, thesis or research paper.

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«Books are the legacies that a great genius leaves to mankind, which are delivered down from generation to generation as presents to the posterity of those who are yet unborn.»
«Among all the emotions, the rich have the least talent for love. It is possible to love one's dog, dress or duck-shooting hat, but a human being presents a more difficult problem. The rich might wish to experience feelings of affection, but it is almost impossible to chip away the enamel of their narcissism. They take up all the space in all the mirrors in the house. Their children, who represent the most present and therefore the most annoying claim on their attention, usually receive the brunt of their irritation.»
«A Work of Art... is not a living thing ...that walks or runs.But the making of a life.That which gives you a reaction.To some it is the wonder of Man's Fingers.To some it is the wonder of the Mind.To some it is the wonder of Technique.And to some it is how Real it is.To some, how Transcendent it is.Like the 5th Symphony it presents itself with a feeling that you know it, if you have heard it once.And you look for it,and though you know it you must hear it again.Though you know it you must see it again.Truly a work of Art is one that tells us, that Nature cannot make what man can make.»
«A friendship can weather most things and thrive in thin soil; but it needs a little mulch of letters and phone calls and small, silly presents every so often - just to save it from drying out completely.»
«Beautiful music is the art of the prophets that can calm the agitations of the soul; it is one of the most magnificent and delightful presents God has given us»
«As fast as each opportunity presents itself, use it! No matter how tiny an opportunity it may be, use it!»
«Against him came up Shalmaneser king of Assyria; and Hoshea became his servant, and gave him presents.»
Author: Bible | Keywords: Assyria, Hoshea, presents, Shalmaneser
«Also some of the Philistines brought Jehoshaphat presents, and tribute silver; and the Arabians brought him flocks, seven thousand and seven hundred rams, and seven thousand and seven hundred he goats.»
Author: Bible | Keywords: Arabian, Arabians, flocks, he-goat, presents
«''To give style'' to one's character -- a great and rare art! He exercises it who surveys all that his nature presents in strength and weakness and then moulds it to an artistic plan until everything appears as art and reason, and even the weaknesses delight the eye.»
«A friend that you buy with presents will be bought from you»
Author: Thomas Fuller (Clergyman, Writer) | Keywords: bought, presents