Quotations, Proverbs & Sayings

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Marcus Tubbs Quotes

«It's another way of keeping my mother's legacy going.»
Author: Marcus Tubbs
«It definitely was one of the hardest things ever. To go from having all the blessings in the world ? being drafted in the first round, being able to have more money than you ever thought you'd have ? then it didn't mean anything at the end of the day, because the person you wanted to share all those accomplishments wasn't there to share them with you.»
Author: Marcus Tubbs
«To be able to come into training camp and come in focused and have a clear mind and not have to deal with issues of family back home and getting my contract done and the injuries that occurred along the way has helped me out on the field,»
Author: Marcus Tubbs
«I have so far to go, I mean so far to go, but I can already see where it's paying off a little bit. I need to improve on consistency with my technique. I have to keep my pads down on every play. Have to be a better student of the game and break my opponents down better. It's going to take time.»
Author: Marcus Tubbs
«But my mom knew this was my job and she gave me her blessing and told me to stay out here and do the best I could out here. But overall it was, by far, the toughest time in my life.»
Author: Marcus Tubbs
«I feel the sky's the limit for me. I try to approach every game not really worrying about press and accolades. I pray before every game, and all I ask is to never cut myself short. That's what I try to take into every practice, every game. And I see good things coming out of this.»
Author: Marcus Tubbs
«We couldn't let it, ... so we didn't.»
Author: Marcus Tubbs
«We wanted to win this game, and we knew what would come along with it,»
Author: Marcus Tubbs
«We knew that Ray wasn't going to be at full strength this week. But Coach Marshall stepped in, and that's where team camaraderie kicks in. And I think coming away with a win like this against a team as good as the Falcons, I think that means tons to him.»
Author: Marcus Tubbs
«First coming into the situation, I really didn't understand how he was. The type of guy he was,»
Author: Marcus Tubbs