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Ilian Evtimov Quotes

«We need to regroup and get our confidence back. We just lost three in a row, and to this point, we had not lost more than one in a row. We have to pick it up in practice. That's where it all starts. We have to communicate with each other and become a stronger family now by staying tight.»
Author: Ilian Evtimov
«That's part of adversity -- somebody going down and somebody stepping up. I think Gavin Grant has been playing great for us. We just need to have more guys playing well.»
Author: Ilian Evtimov
«It's a new season starting next week, and everybody's going to be 0-and-0. It's one-and-done, and if we have the right mindset, we're going to advance.»
Author: Ilian Evtimov
«We've got to be patient, and we've got to stay together and play together. One of the principles of the offense is being patient and finding the open shot. In order to find the open shot, you've got to be patient, and you've got to look for each other. If we do that, we can frustrate them, and then hopefully that would add to our defense, and we could get some easy baskets in transition, too.»
Author: Ilian Evtimov
«It usually comes down to who plays the hardest. Put scouting aside, and it's very important that we play hard. If you don't show up, you're going to go home.»
Author: Ilian Evtimov
«All of this is just a distraction from the media. We're not going to let that affect us. We're going to believe in what we do, and at the end of the day that is what is going to make us successful.»
Author: Ilian Evtimov
«I don't know if it's a relief or not, because it's one and done at this point and you've got to put this win behind just like the losses you put behind. If you want to succeed on Sunday, you can't get too happy and you can't be satisfied. You've got to stay hungry. Like Julius (Hodge) said, 'When you're hungry, you eat.' And that's the mentality we've got to have right now.»
Author: Ilian Evtimov
«We knew he likes to post up on the block, but he really doesn't mind posting up off the lane. He's going to ask for the ball until he catches it. If you front him, he's going to try to get around you and he'll go way out there. He wants the ball, so he'll go get it even if he has to go far away from the basket. So we were able to push him outside. And, we knew he likes to go right, so we had a lot of help coming from the middle if he was on the left, and from the baseline if he was on the right.»
Author: Ilian Evtimov
«Those four games we had to put behind us, and this win we have to put behind us too. We've just got to put the past behind. We had a good season, we deserve to be here.»
Author: Ilian Evtimov
«Now it's our business to keep on moving forward.»
Author: Ilian Evtimov

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