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"Zimbabwe achieved independence through a combination of negotiation and armed force". Discuss, for the period of 1965 to 1980. (70)

Date Submitted: 10/06/2003 20:52:36
Category: / History / World History
Length: 5 pages (1300 words)
In 1953 settlers in Rhodesia began to want complete independence from Britain as well as Dominion status. They used both negotiations and armed force in order to gain their independence. The Central African Federation was created in 1953 as it was believe that it would increase economic prosperity and maintain white supremacy. The Southern Rhodesian whites eroded black right and were unwilling to negotiate. In 1960 the British government saw the force of growing Black Nationalism in Africa …
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…s proclaimed and Independent Zimbabwe. In conclusion, had negotiations started at an earlier stage and had they been more effective, armed force would not have been required. However, it was the armed forces that played a large role in Rhodesia's Independence as they forced negotiations to take place and for Rhodesia to be proclaimed independent. It was a combination of armed forces and negotiations but the armed forces were the more effective of the two.
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