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Russia's Government Policies and its effect on Russia's economy.

Date Submitted: 04/09/2004 03:10:35
Category: / Law & Government
Length: 4 pages (1154 words)
Government The role of the Russian Government is stated in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. A Detailed description of the Government structure and activities is located in Chapter 6 of the Constitution. This can be briefly summarised as follows: "The executive power in Russia shall be exercised by the Government of the Russian Federation. The Government of the Russian Federation consists of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, Deputy Chairman of the …
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…covers government pensions, unemployment benefits, free secondary education and medical services. However, the level of social welfare is on average much lower then the individuals can enjoy in Australia. Conclusion As you can see, despite that Russia and Australia are very different countries, there are many similar problems that the governments of both countries are facing. These problems are solved by the governments, sometimes in a very similar and sometimes in a very different manner.
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