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Progression Party

Date Submitted: 11/23/2004 00:43:42
Category: / Law & Government
Length: 3 pages (956 words)
Progression Party I am here today to introduce a new, innovative political party. As generations pass, a country must constantly upgrade itself in order to remain strong. This party, called the Progression Party, will embark on a journey to form a stronger, more advanced country. As a new political party, it seeks to gain the support of currently moderate voters. The Progression party believes in research, education, government programs, strict gun laws, and equal rights; …
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…superior technology and knowledge in order to have power and wealth. The Progression Party will increase spending on new technologies and education. We need your vote to change the future. By voting for Progression Party, a voter will guarantee a progressive country for his children. Although we may not win this election with your support our party will become more influential. We need you, to make your dreams come true. Vote for the Progression Party!
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