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On why Electoral College should be eliminated

Date Submitted: 07/14/2002 20:41:26
Category: / Law & Government
Length: 1 pages (318 words)
Electoral College Elimination act: The Framers of the Constitution created the Electoral College for fear that the uneducated rabble would destroy the essence of poplar sovereignty by making unwise votes. But in what is called the information age we live in now, there shouldn't be any excuse of not being educated enough to vote. Therefore, I propose this bill to banish the Electoral College out of the constitution. The Electoral College, as we all know, …
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…be the President. It keeps the selection of the President in the hands of the states, not the people. The president is chosen, not by the voters directly, but by the electors. And the electors are free to vote for any candidate they choose. Which makes this whole voting process a big empty performance, this whole voting system a staging cover-up. It's putting the fate of the whole nation into the hands of a few.
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