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Life during the Depression for Returning Solidiers of WW1

Date Submitted: 06/29/2004 05:13:36
Category: / History / World History
Length: 3 pages (736 words)
May, 1929 Upon filling up the humiliating forms the little confidence that I managed to remain have all distinguished. I had no choice but to apply for the Dole. Although it was one extremely humiliating experience I needed the food reliefs to keep my family from starving. Things have been getting worse as each year go by. I was once a proud soldier at Gallipoli. I fought bravely and was rewarded for my courage. However when …
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…challenge the old ways of the past. Young women now demanded greater freedom, equality and independence. I often saw many spinsters and women supplying themselves and or their children with shelter and food. Women fashion had also changed. The dresses were shorter and a lot more elaborate. My wife wore her hair short and wore high-heel shoes. Women began to smoke and drink. I've also seen increasing of numbers of women learning how to drive.
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