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Identify the Forces that have promoted Globalisation and analyze the outcomes of these forces

Date Submitted: 09/09/2006 23:43:32
Category: / Business & Economy / International
Length: 4 pages (1015 words)
Identify the Forces that have promoted Globalisation and analyze the outcomes of these forces. Globalisation refers to the increasing economic integration between countries leading to the emergence of the global market place and the creating of an ever-spreading web of global production networks. There exist several forces that promote globalisation and are generally supported by most governments around the world and through this there are several outcomes derived. Forces which underpin globalisation include global institutions, …
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…products in demand are both becoming more diverse in domestic and international markets. While this can be seen as a good thing, as countries are linked by these TNCs it also can be seen as a disadvantage as the unique culture of a nation is destroyed by the consumerism of TNCs. The growth of TNCs have caused rich countries more control and influence in the global economy but also centralizes the control in rich nations
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