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Animal Farm

Date Submitted: 05/26/2004 16:59:05
Category: / Literature / Novels
Length: 3 pages (718 words)
Animal Farm, a novel by George Orwell, is a story of rebellion against humankind. Set on a farm in England, this novel is about an angry community of common animals who revolted against not only their owner, but all of humankind. The animals take over the running of the farm, and everything is wonderful for a while, until the pigs get out of hand. This book is an example of what happens when a planned …
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…Both children and adults can enjoy it. Even though children might not understand the underlying ideas and politics involved, they can still appreciate it. More like a "fable" than an actual novel, the animals are used to represent certain types of people. This book shows how a minority takes control when everyone is supposed to be equal. Knowledge about Russian history is not necessary to enjoy or understand the theme of this great classic novel.
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