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A Midsummer Night's Dream

Date Submitted: 10/21/2004 15:27:51
Category: / Literature / Novels
Length: 4 pages (1028 words)
In A Midsummer-Night's Dream, Shakespeare presents four distinct groups of characters. Each group serves a different purpose, and contributes to the comparison of fantasy and reality. There are the authority figures of Athens, which include Theseus, Hippolyta, and Egeus. The three have a solid grasp of reality and provide for a contrast between the city and the forest. The group of the forest, Oberon, Puck, Titania and her fairies, serve as the other end of …
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…re going to create a fantasy in the form of a play. They serve to distinguish the boundary between fantasy and reality when they continually reminded the audience that everything that happened on stage was no real. With these four groups, Shakespeare compared fantasy and reality. He provided the extremes in the forms of the city and the forest. The lovers and mechanics each provided a different medium that could exist between fantasy and reality.
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