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Date Submitted: 12/20/2003 01:20:05
Category: / Literature / Novels
Length: 3 pages (687 words)
A Journey into the Heart of Darkness The white man is evil, or so says Joseph Conrad in his novel Heart of Darkness, which describes the colonial transformation of the symbolically angelic African wilderness into an evil haven for the white man. The novel presents a psychological journey into the core of evil or "heart of darkness" in one's own mind, as he or she progresses through the jungle. The reader follows Marlow, the novel's …
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…Conrad 63). Marlow, from the very beginning, develops a need to find Kurtz. However, as Marlow travels deeper and deeper into the jungle and furthermore into his own mind, Marlow hears of Kurtz becoming ill, lieing and using conniving methods to gain success. By the time Marlow reaches Kurtz, he is overcome with dignity and respect for Kurtz's ability to survive. Once disgusted by his unfair practices, Marlow finds himself respecting the epitome of all evil.
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