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Paper-Research Team

Popular Job Interview Questions

When applying for a job, you need to create a good impression. First impressions are important. It is imperative to perform a magnificent interview. You should be absolutely ready. Possible questions they may ask during the interview:


  • Tell me about yourself
  • Tell me a story about your life when you successfully solved a problematic situation.
  • How would you help the company?
  • Do you like working with people or do you prefer to work alone?
  • Do you consider yourself as a leader or a follower? Why?
  • What was the most important decision taken in the past?
  • Define yourself with five adjectives. Justify it.
  • What have you actually learned from your past mistakes?
  • If all jobs had the same pay & same social status what would you do?
  • Describe your scale of values
  • Do you sleep well?
  • How often do you react against the hierarchy?
  • What impression do you think I will get from you after this interview?
  • What do you do in your spare time?
  • What are your hobbies?


  • Why did you study law, economics, etc…?
  • Who had  the biggest influence on you when you decided on your career?
  • What subjects do you like the most / the least?
  • To what extent are your skills based on your personal effort and how much are they related to your respective intelligence?
  • What was the most rewarding experience during your life as a student?
  • Do you think your studies continue or expand in any sort of way?
  • Were you a representative during your time as a student? (Delegate of any course, a member of a group, etc)

Previous Work Experience

  • Tell me about your main activities outside school
  • Did you do any work “student” (summer jobs, internships …)?
  • What have you actually learned during your previous work position?
  • Which of your previous jobs you liked the most / the least? Why?
  • What is your creative project or respective solution?
  • How do you get along with your colleagues, your bosses, your subordinates?
  • What was the most unpleasant situation that you have seen?
  • Describe the best boss you’ve had. And describe the worst one.
  • Describe a typical day in your previous job.
  • How did you get that job?

Possible Employment

  • What do you know about our company?
  • Why are you interested to get this position?
  • What work environment do you prefer?
  • Do you prefer predictable jobs or changing jobs?
  • Do you have a specific geographical preference?
  • What department attracts you the most?
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses for this position?
  • What do you see yourself doing in 5 years?
  • What are your long term goals?
  • How do you think you can achieve them?
  • Are you willing to provide references?

Get ready for the best interview ever! Venturing into the working world is not hard. However, you want to make it big so remember to focus on details. The more you prepare yourself, the better position you will be able to land. Try to follow a methodic procedure and master each question to the fullest. Once you feel secure, the rest will go smooth.

Which do you think might be the greatest difficulty for you in terms of moving from the so beloved student life to the working life? Share your own interview experience today!

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