Quotations, Proverbs & Sayings

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The Fan

«The fan is the one who suffers. He cheers a guy to a .350 season then watches that player sign with another team. When you destroy fan loyalties, you destroy everything.»
Author: Frank Robinson | About: Fanaticism | Keywords: fan, loyalties, The Fan, watches
«Chicago Cubs fans are ninety percent scar tissue.»
«Law of Probability Dispersal : Whatever it is that hits the fan will not be evenly distributed»
«They're right to think that about me, because I'm the person most likely to sleep with my female fans, I genuinely love other women. And I think they know that.»
«Fan the sinking flame of hilarity with the wing of friendship; and pass the rosy wine.»
«A lot of people don't want to make their own decisions. They're too scared. It's much easier to be told what to do. Americans talk so much about being individualistic, but they don't want you to be an individual because if you think for yourself then you're not going to be a part of any trend that they want you to be a part of. They don't want you to think for yourself. They tell you they do so that you're happy and you're stupid and you're sheep. Anybody intelligent enough to realize what America is, is not going to sit around and do nothing about it. They're going to be the same way that I am. They're going to be the same way our fans are. They're going to be pissed. These people are artists. These people are musicians. They're taking it out and trying to express it that way. The rest of the world, who are just willing to accept it, are gonna be doing their everyday jobs, and they're going to be trapped in a rut, and they're never gonna see it until the day they die, and they're gonna be disappointed when they don't go to heaven anyway 'cause they were too stupid to realize that it's not going to happen.»
«The girls have got a bit excited. I spoke to my agent and she says she's wading through the fan mail. We've got bags of it.»
«Hitting is the most important part of the game. It is where the big money is, where much of the status is, and the fan interest.»
«I am not against hasty marriages, where a mutual flame is fanned by an adequate income.»
«It is only when you have both divine grace and human endeavor that you can experience bliss, just as you can enjoy the breeze of a fan only when you have both a fan and the electrical energy to operate it.»

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