One of the key aspects of making an application to college and getting into a good college is to ensure that you have great SAT or ACT scores. The current national average for the SAT is 1500 and for the ACT is between 20 and 21 and even if you don’t achieve these scores it does not mean that you will not be able to apply for college, but what it does mean is that you will probably not get into the college or university of your choice. Before you chuck everything and storm out, pause. A college education is only an education and it is what you do after that, what will count. So consider the opportunity to get into college to be a privilege and plan to use this and the knowledge that is acquired there as the launching pad to the rest of your professional life.
Things to do that will help perk up your SAT and ACT scores
There are three magic words when preparing for the SAT or ACT :
- planning,
- preparation,
- & practice.
You will need to plan the subjects that you will take on the SAT or ACT. Obviously, it would be in your best interest to select subjects that you think you can ace, however if you are not known for acing any specific subjects, don’t despair.
Some Tips
Consider taking Math and when you do this, skip pre-algebra and, instead, concentrate on geometry. Why? Because the statistics seem to suggest that students who score well on Math do so after they have completed geometry. So speak to your Math tutor and realistically look at how you can structure your Math knowledge according to what you will be required to do on the SAT or ACT.
Consider Latin. What? Yes, consider taking Latin. No one is expecting you to give a speech in Latin, and because it is not a common subject among students doing the SAT or ACT, the structure of the questions and the possible grades that you can achieve are, shall we say more friendly? In addition, knowledge of Latin will help you in science as far as terminology is concerned. If you are linguistically inclined and find that picking up new language terminology is something that you do without thought, Latin may be just the option you need to boost your SAT or ACT scores. You will however need to find a good tutor with the patience of a saint to help you. And you will need to do a fair amount of reading as well.
If you are an average student but determined to get into college, the good news is that most colleges and universities will consider your combined best score from different SAT and ACT tests in order to determine your best score. This means that there is absolutely no shame in taking these tests several times, but not too many of course, and combining the scores to your advantage. Your target is to do each test three times, once in your freshman year, and then once each at the end of the next two years. Look at the combined score and use these to apply to the colleges and universities of your choice. You may fare better than you think!
Finally, do not underestimate the value of signing up for a SAT or ACT prep course. The tutors for such programs tend to be specialists in their fields and can provide good insight about the SAT or ACT. If you cannot afford to do this, buy the SAT or ACT prep workbooks and do the work. This is an inexpensive way of practicing for the SAT or ACT and will provide a solid platform of revision.
What’s your opinion about prepping for the SAT or ACT and how did you do this? Are there ways to prep for the tests that you would like to share? What are the problems you have faced? Go ahead and share both your positive as well as negative experiences.