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Korean War

Date Submitted: 04/24/2003 11:25:03
Category: / History / Asian History
Length: 5 pages (1402 words)
Korean War is often called a "forgotten war" because not many people remember it. In fact, many people were enjoying the end of World War II when the Korean War started. Because of that reason, people did not want to think about foreign affairs but only domestic affairs. The war brought many domestic changes that still remain with us. The war is not forgotten. During the 1950's, the Americans were anxious to forget the war …
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…us. It's not forgotten"(Smith). All these effects happened because Korean War was an actual war, a very important war. Just because this war was sandwiched between World War II and the Vietnam War, the Korean War lost its significance to many people's minds. But the fact remains---Korean War significantly affected the United States. Some people may have forgotten the Korean War, but its significance and its effects will not be forgotten in our history.
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