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Freedom, and equality in the United States, it's roots, causes, and the pursuit of equality in the American culture.

Date Submitted: 12/15/2002 05:29:10
Category: / History / North American History
Length: 5 pages (1478 words)
Freedom and Equality "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."1 Never before has such a bold assumption been pushed forward as the reason for a peoples' existence. If Thomas Jefferson had been alive today, and insisted in the area of public ideas that all men are equal, …
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…efforts. This freedom does not come without cost, nor without constant vigilance. This equality is not a right that I can demand to be given, like a child demand another cookie from his mother. Freedom is a mutual goal to be sought, and created within out society for the benefit of every citizen. 1 US Declaration of Independence 2 US Declaration of Independence 3 US Declaration of Independence 4 Address before Young Men's Lyceum 5 Address before Young Men's Lyceum
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