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Concealed-Carry Weapon permit - a right or a privledge

Date Submitted: 01/30/2003 08:33:11
Category: / Law & Government / Law Issues
Length: 2 pages (686 words)
C.C.W. Privilege or Right? There was a time when Americans were citizens not servants. It was before we had to ask permission to protect ourselves. It is written, "A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed" (The Bill of Rights). I was under the influence that I had the right to carry any weapon …
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…opinion CCW reduces our right to bear arms to a privilege not a right, which makes the CCW unconstitutional. Bibliography Mancus, Peter. "Liberty." Keep and Bear Arms. February 18, 2002. November 10, 2002 <> Buckley Jr., William F. "The Search for Pure Thought" Find articles. Oct. 19, 2000 November 11, 2002 <> Steinmetz, Sol. Webster's College Dictionary. Random House. 2nd Edition. New York. 1997
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